The Best Manifesting Money Affirmations You don’t want to miss

Manifesting weath and abundance is always a hot topic in Law of Attraction. So today, if you are an affirmations girl/guy, this post is for you. I have compiled here some of the best manifesting money affirmations. As you continue reading, and I’m sure you ‘ll find some affirmations that truly resonate with you.

Each person is unique as our pespective and circumstances differ, that s why we may find ourselves resonating with different kinds of affirmations. 

For instance, if you are now experience financial struggles, it might not feel natural to affirm that you’re a millionaire. Instead, it would be easier and more natural to affirm: “I always have enough money to take care of my life“.

the best manifesting money affirmations: a woman is reading a book

Another crucial point to keep in mind is that affirmations shouldn’t contain negative words. 

For example, instead of saying, “My life is free from sad and sorrow” which contains the word “sad” and “sorrow” which are negative, we should say “My life is full of happiness and blessings.” This emphasizes the positive aspects of happiness and blessings in our minds and becomes a more effective affirmation.

Affirmations are like planting seeds in the ground. First they germinate, then they sprout roots, and then they shoot up through the ground. It takes some time to go from a seed to a full-grown plant, and so it is with affirmations – it takes some time from the first declaration to the final demonstration.

So be patient.

Louise Hay


  1. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
  2. I am worthy of receiving abundance in all areas of my life.
  3. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
  4. I am a money magnet and attract abundance at all times.
  5. My income is constantly increasing and I am financially free.
  6. The universe is conspiring to bring me wealth and success.
  7. I am grateful for all the money that flows into my life.
  8. Abundance and prosperity are my birthright and I claim them now.
  9. I am rich and abundant in all areas of my life.
  10. I release all negative beliefs about money and embrace its positive power.
  11. I deserve to live a life of financial freedom and abundance.
  12. Money comes to me in unexpected ways.
  13. I am financially stable and secure.
  14. I trust in the universe to provide me with all the resources I need.
  15. I have a positive and abundant relationship with money.
  16. I am a magnet for success and abundance.
  17. I am open to receiving unlimited wealth and prosperity.
  18. I create wealth and abundance through joy and creativity.
  19. My financial success is a reflection of my inner state of being.
  20. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me and flows into my life.


manifesting money affirmations: picture of many coins

“I am grateful for all the abundance that flows into my life. I trust that the universe is constantly providing me with opportunities to attract wealth and prosperity. I am open and receptive to these opportunities and I have faith that I am on the path to financial freedom and abundance. I release all negative beliefs about money and embrace its positive power. I know that my thoughts and beliefs create my reality, and I choose to focus on abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life”

“I am a powerful creator, and I choose to create a life of financial freedom and abundance. I trust in the universe to provide me with all the resources I need to achieve my goals and dreams. I know that I am worthy of receiving abundance in all areas of my life, and I am open and receptive to all the wealth that life offers me. I am a money magnet, and I attract abundance at all times. I am grateful for all the money that flows into my life, and I use it wisely to create a life of joy, freedom, and abundance.”

manifesting money affirmations: a woman is flying with an umbrella

“I believe in my ability to create wealth and abundance through my thoughts, words, and actions. I know that my mind is a powerful tool, and I choose to use it to create the life of my dreams. I am constantly learning and growing, and I am open to new ideas and opportunities that can help me achieve my financial goals. I am financially responsible and wise, and I use my resources to create a life of joy, peace, and abundance.”

“I am worthy of living a life of financial freedom and abundance. I know that I have the power to create my own reality, and I choose to create a reality of abundance and prosperity. I am grateful for all the money that flows into my life, and I use it to create a life of joy, happiness, and fulfillment. I trust in the universe to provide me with all the resources I need to achieve my financial goals, and I am open and receptive to all the opportunities that come my way. I am a powerful creator, and I choose to create a life of financial freedom and abundance for myself and my loved ones.”

manifesting money affirmations: a woman is jumping high

“I am abundant in all areas of my life, including my finances. I know that money is simply a form of energy, and I choose to attract positive and abundant energy into my life. I am grateful for all the money that flows into my life, and I use it to create a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose. I trust in the universe to provide me with all the resources I need to achieve my financial goals, and I am open and receptive to all the opportunities that come my way. I choose to focus on abundance and prosperity, and I know that my thoughts and beliefs create my reality.”

Remember, the key to affirmations is how they make you feel. They don’t have to be trendy or the ones that everyone is using. They just have to be the right ones for you.

“Affirmations are a powerful tool to deliberately install desired beliefs about yourself and reality. Practicing affirmations faithfully can help you shift your focus from the negative to the positive, and help you manifest the life you truly desire.”

Jack Canfield

I hope my list of the best manifesting money affirmations gives you some good suggestions to practice with affirmations on your journey. Let me know in the comments which affirmations you are using to attract wealth.

Till the next time, keep your vibe up high high
See ya !

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